since ‎2022-11-24

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  • 8 Posts
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Hi, Could any of you help with the following matter? The following functions - work for walls (based on Attribute_Test) , but for column or beam it does not. And theoretically it should. (?) What is wrong? - beam is my own profile, exist in document,...
Hi Experts, Base of examples, i use a function to change the selection in the ToolBox, for example to wall. Is it possible to select a different wall than the one that displays in the info panel, in the structure field? I mean: to change default/curr...
Hi Experts,I was searching for similar topic, but did not find the answer.Is it possible to run a typical command, e.g. draw wall from a custom dialog?Example:- list field- insert key1. I select a wall from the list of existing walls2. I press the bu...
Faculty of Architecture Warsaw University of Technology senior lecturer
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