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since ‎2010-07-20

User Statistics

  • 14 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 8 Likes given
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Am I completely missing something or do two slabs with different building materials (priorites) not clean up when overlapped? This would be useful in a lot of places. Right now I'm using SEOs as work around, but I feel it bogs down the file at a cert...
In previous versions when doing a Creative Imagining > Create Fly-Through... and then choosing the 'show' instead of 'save' option I would get quick feedback progressing through each frame at a rapid rate. However, now in AC17 (and after trying worka...
Has anyone else noticed the significant increase in time that it takes to 'save as' a simple model to BIMx in AC17? I would almost prefer saving down to v16 and 'exporting'. Instead of using 1 minute for a quick sample. It now takes about 5 min for t...