I have recently installed the US version of ArchiCAD, so when I create a
new project there are two templates available: AC27 Template.tpl and
ArchiCAD 27 Generic Template.tpl which are configured in Imperial. Where
can I find the equivalent GraphiSof...
Hi all, My foundation walls are extending beyond the reference lines all
around the house. I've used Intersect with no effect. See images. What
am I missing? Thanks,Mike
I completely agree. It seems totally bizarre to me that one isn’t
available. Or that they don’t have a more elegant solution. Setting
aside another 9GB of my hard drive is a little painful.
So, I contacted my local rep - thanks Barry! - and he gave me the
following advice... REP: "The best way to get it is through the INT
version. Download it and you get the metric library. Just don't mix and
match the 2 libraries. But if you do, you wi...
Hi Barry, thanks, I could do that, but I think (not sure) there's a lot
more to it than that. For instance, if I place a wall with a layer
composite that is 5-1/2 inches, it would display as 139.7 mm. But no one
in the metric world would be sizing wa...
I am having the same problem in v. 27. I can't stretch the height of the
zones using the GraphiSoft response above, nor through the method
explained in the "Start Modelling with ArchiCAD:Modelling Zones" Learn
Module (basically the same as above). I ...
@Lingwisyer Wow, this seems to be the problem. If I move the walls
relative to each other, the only time I can see this weird behaviour is
when the reference lines are coincident in plan. Are you referring to
the Building Material Intersection Priori...