since ‎2006-02-19

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Formerly I used double monitors, now I had to change back to single. So the photorendering palette disappeared. Probably shows somewhere out of the range of the (single) monitor. I tried many things: -clicking in menu, then alt, then down arrow (to g...
In ac18, in some (particular) files, when switching to 3d window, the renovation palette gets inactive, so I am unable to set the renovation status in 3d window. In floorplan (or in other windows), I can adjust it, as usual. Other project files are w...
I use ac11, and I make full detailed 3d models, with perfect layering and with all the features of publisher/navigator. I tried to export ifc with little success: -I couldn't find appropriate infos about the whole process what I missed most: -direct ...
Why there is no real export to sketchup?? It's very good to have the import feature from sketchup but I would like to use the connection backwards: -for me it's quiet easy to make the model in archicad but I would use the sketchup for final presentat...
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