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Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

ACAPI_Element_Get crashes

Not applicable
I need to get rid of hotlinks created by my add-on, and I've found a nice example in the Element_Test code.
But for a mysterious reason, Archicad crashes when I call the ACAPI_Element_Get function...
Here's the code :

	//Function's error code
	GSErrCode err = NULL;
	//Containing the hotlink
	API_Element element;

	GS::Array<API_Guid> nodeRefList;
	if (ACAPI_Database (APIDb_GetHotlinkNodesID, NULL, &nodeRefList) == NoError) 
		for (UIndex iNode = 0; iNode < nodeRefList.GetSize (); iNode++) 
			BNZeroMemory (&element, sizeof (API_Element));
			element.header.typeID = API_HotlinkID;
			element.header.guid = nodeRefList[iNode];
			ACAPI_OpenUndoableSession("Effacer module");

         //Below is the crashing sentence
			err = ACAPI_Element_Get(&element);

			ACAPI_Database(APIDb_DeleteHotlinkNodeID, &nodeRefList[iNode], NULL);
My first thought was that this function needed to be into an undoable session, but I still have the same issue...
And I can't check the generated GSErrCode because Archicad crashes as soon as the function appear (no matter if the function is checked by "try...catch" method. Archicad just close everything and shows a nice BugReporter window...).
Does anyone have a clue ?

Thanks !
I've got the same problem. But I am using API_HotlinkNode instead of API_Element. Here is my code:

GS::Array<API_Guid> nodeRefList;
API_HotlinkTypeID type = APIHotlink_Module;
GSErrCode err = ACAPI_Database(APIDb_GetHotlinkNodesID, &type, &nodeRefList);
DBPrintf("node count: %d", nodeRefList.GetSize());
if (err==NoError)
  UInt32 len = nodeRefList.GetSize();
  for (UInt32 i=0; i<len; ++i)
    API_HotlinkNode hotlinkNode;
    BNZeroMemory(&hotlinkNode, sizeof(API_HotlinkNode));
    hotlinkNode.guid = nodeRefList;
    hotlinkNode.type = type;
    err = ACAPI_Database(APIDb_GetHotlinkNodeID, &hotlinkNode, NULL);
    if (err==NoError)
      //... do something ...//

      if (hotlinkNode.sourceLocation!=NULL)
        delete hotlinkNode.sourceLocation;
      if (hotlinkNode.userData.data!=NULL)
        BMKillPtr (&hotlinkNode.userData.data);
      return err;
  return err;
I simply print the data (DBPrintf()) on a Debug Window (DebugView). The data was printed but still the function crashes on exit.

Help anyone?
ARCHICAD 26 INT (from AC18)
Windows 11 Pro, AMD Ryzen 7, 3.20GHz, 32.0GB RAM, 64-bit OS