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Archicad C++ API
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Add-on for rounding measurements


Hi all,


I wonder if there's an add-on ever made for the following purpose:


In a current project we're developing, there's a bunch of bad measurement values (for example, 25.03 cm instead of 25.00 cm). And they're always really close to the correct measurement value.


Logically, we don't need the ".03" amount, it is only a matter of design inaccuracy. It would be great if we could run an 'element rounding-off' plug-in, which snaps every selected element to the closest round measure (admitting 0.5 and maybe 0.25), considering the project origin as a major reference to those measurements.


Anyone ever heard of such?

Architect / BIM Manager at IDEIA1 -
Archicad 27 / Windows 11 64

that would be great... if it existed it would win the award for the best useful plug-in in the world, for our studio!

Hey! I developed such label to our architecture firm and it currently belongs to our own library. But I could develop a similar label suiting your needs. Being the case you may e-mail me 🙂 (

Architect / BIM Manager at IDEIA1 -
Archicad 27 / Windows 11 64

here's a quick  demo for an addon checking wall length:

It checks all selected walls  and change the cut fill to red if  its length is not a multiple of the 'step' variable. This gives a quick visual reference to find errors in the model.




    void lengthCheck()
        API_GetPointType     pointInfo;
        GS::Array<API_Guid>  inds;
        GSErrCode            err;
        API_SelectionInfo    selectionInfo;
        API_Elem_Head        tElemHead = {};
        GS::Array<API_Neig>  selNeigs;
        double  startX, endX, startY, endY, theta, dx, dy, Lprev,step,rem,L,eps;
        Int32               index;
        GS::UniString       strType,dir;
        GS::UniString       name, strName;
        API_Element         element = {} , mask;

        err = ACAPI_Selection_Get(&selectionInfo, &selNeigs, true);
        if (err != NoError && err != APIERR_NOSEL) {
            ErrorBeep("ACAPI_Selection_GetInfo", err);

        ACAPI_ELEMENT_MASK_SET(mask, API_WallType, penOverride.overrideCutFillBackgroundPen);
        ACAPI_ELEMENT_MASK_SET(mask, API_WallType, penOverride.cutFillBackgroundPen);
        ACAPI_ELEMENT_MASK_SET(mask, API_WallType, penOverride.cutFillPen);
            for (index = 0; index < selectionInfo.sel_nElemEdit; index++) {
                // Get selected element
                BNZeroMemory(&element, sizeof(element));

                element.header.guid = selNeigs[index].guid;
                if (ACAPI_Element_Get(&element) != NoError) 

                startX = element.wall.begC.x;
                startY = element.wall.begC.y;
                endX = element.wall.endC.x;
                endY = element.wall.endC.y;

                step = 0.002500;
                eps =  0.0000100;

                if (abs(endX) > abs(startX)) {
                    dx = abs(endX - startX);
                else {
                    dx = abs(startX - endX);

                if (abs(endY) > abs(startY)) {
                    dy = abs(endY - startY);
                else {
                    dy = abs(startY - endY);
                L = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

                theta = atan2(dx, dy) / (2 * PI) * 360;

                if (dx < eps && dy > eps)  //vertical wall
                    Lprev = dy ;

                if (dx > eps && dy < eps)  //horizontal wall
                    Lprev =  dx;

                if (dx > eps && dy > eps)       //if not orthogonal wall
                    Lprev = L ;
                rem = fmod(Lprev, step);
                if (rem >= eps && rem <  step - eps) {
                    element.wall.penOverride.overrideCutFillBackgroundPen = true;
                    element.wall.penOverride.cutFillBackgroundPen = 181;
                    element.wall.penOverride.cutFillPen = 181;

                    ACAPI_CallUndoableCommand("Element Test API Function",
                        [&]() -> GSErrCode {

                            err = ACAPI_Element_Change(&element, &mask, nullptr, 0, true);
                            if (err != NoError) {
                                ErrorBeep("elem change err", err);
                            return err;
            return ; 







Dear juliencuadra,

thank you so much! ❤️

have a nice day




I'm developing that but still wasn't able to finish it.

Archicad User Since 2013
GDL Developer
Experimenting with API
from Brazil

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