Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

CHANSI2Unicode doc

Tomasz Marek

There are few mistakes in the documentation of CHANSI2Unicode.
    long CHANSI2Unicode (
      const char*  pChars,                    // string to convert
      long         nChars,                    // number of bytes in string
      wchar_t*     pWChars,                   // wide-char buffer
      long         maxWChars,                 // wide char buffer length
      GSCharCode   charCode = CC_Default        // Character codepage of input
      CHANIS2UnicodeCacheRef*  cache = NULL           // can be used to cache conversion result, if called twice
First of all pWChars is not wchar_t* , but uchar_t* (unsigned short).

There is no way to get the example work as it is right now (R16.0).
GS::ANIS2UnicodeCacheRef cache = 0;
Should read GS::CHANSI2UnicodeCacheRef.
p variable type is not defined.

What is a proper way to convert a material name (const char*) to UTF8?
I cannot get CC_UTF8 it to work (x64 Win).

Ralph Wessel
Tomasz wrote:
What is a proper way to convert a material name (const char*) to UTF8?
I cannot get CC_UTF8 it to work (x64 Win).
Try converting to Unicode first (CHANSI2Unicode) and then from Unicode to UTF8 (CHUnicode2ANSI).
Ralph Wessel BArch
Active Thread Ltd
Tomasz Marek
Ralph wrote:
Try converting to Unicode first (CHANSI2Unicode) and then from Unicode to UTF8 (CHUnicode2ANSI).
It did the trick.
I was wondering how they want to push char* into uchar_t*...
