Archicad C++ API
About Archicad add-on development using the C++ API.

How to GetDefaults&ChangeDefault by favorites door name.

Not applicable
Now GetDefaults & ChangeDefault i can done but Door Marker is Incorrect.

Tamas Zolnai
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
Traro wrote:
Now GetDefaults & ChangeDefault i can done but Door Marker is Incorrect.

Hi Traro,

See answer on the original topic:
Tamás Zolnai
Not applicable
I found the function "ACAPI_Favorite_GetDefaults ()" but when I used this function. and change the defult by used the function "ACAPI_Element_ChangeDefaults ()", some parameters are failed or error such as the dimension marker.
The Dimension Marker always show only the default but not show my favorite selection.

this is my code.

GS::UniString   name_Fav = gSelectionName; 
short      indexs_Fav = 0; 
API_Element   element, elemmarker, mask; 
API_ElementMemo   memo, memomarker; 

BNZeroMemory (&element, sizeof (API_Element)); 
element.header.typeID = gCurrentTypeID; 
element.header.variationID = gCurrentVarID; 
element.header.index = index_list; 

BNZeroMemory (&memo, sizeof (API_ElementMemo)); 
BNZeroMemory (&elemmarker, sizeof (API_Element)); 
BNZeroMemory (&memomarker, sizeof (API_ElementMemo)); 

err = ACAPI_Favorite_GetDefaults(&element, &memo, &elemmarker, &memomarker, &name_Fav, &indexs_Fav); 

err = ACAPI_Element_ChangeDefaults (&element, &memomarker, &mask);