Good day all
I need to know if ArchiCad Start Edition save or export to BIMx?
And if yes, is a BIMx license built in with the ACSE-2013 license or does it require the user to purchase a separate license for AC17? Is such a separate license for BIMx available?
I need to know if one needs to buy BIMx as a separate add-on or is it included in the ACSE license like with AC17?
This paragraph is not conclusive in relation to my question.
Can I use BIMx with Start Edition 2012 or with Educational/Trial versions?, all versions have BIMx Add-On (BIM Explorer) as a default part of the ArchiCAD package. The executables saved in the Trial version can be opened only on the computer where they were saved, the Educational version's saved executables have an Educational version watermark."
Your help to confirm this will be very helpful for me.