Anyone else out there using the AIA specification generator for specifications?
The AIA software turns out text in a .doc format that we may or may not edit in Word, then we cut & paste into the layout pages for our specs (on small jobs; on large ones we produce a manual for the job). I bring them in as text so I can format them to fit our column widths on our D or F pages.
What happens is that when I bring them in (regardless of wether or not they've been edited in Word), almost all of the spaces are replaced by a box with an x in it (like you'd get when hitting an Fkey that the text editor can't read).
The only way I can make it go away is to open each document in Word and do a search and replace of all of the spaces in the document...with new spaces (thank God for the "search entire document" feature!). It takes forever if I have many documents, which I invariably do because the AIA generator creates a separate document for each division.
Any ideas? Thanks for the help.