I have a problem with shared coorinates when importing using improved IFC import from Archicad. I have the newest relese of the importer 19 INT 4545.
The problem is that Levels and internal origo in doors windows is placed at project base point but the rest of the model is placed at survey point. We need the model to be placed at project base point not at survey point. I got the file from an Architect, is he doing somthing wrong with the export from Archicad, or is there anything wrong with the Revit Import?
He says that the model is modeled at local coordinates in Archicad. When i open the IFC model in Solibri i get the site coodinates with latitude and longitude, they seems right. But when i import it i looks like the model is placed at the site coordinates not the local coordinates. If i click on objects in Solibri i get Global X and Global Y coordinates with close to zero mm that i think also is correct!
Do you have any experience with this problem?
Another thing that fails is that some room origo is placed at wrong room bounding. This results in duplicate in rooms and som bounding does not have rooms. Can you choose the origo placement in Archicad or is this a Revit Import problem?
I hope IFC exchange will be the way to go between software. Keep on supporting it 🙂