Hi, it's not so complex.
If you are defining a component formula for a wall and the wall uses a composite structure or a complex profile, then, in the formula definition dialog window you can click in the button "Insert Skin Quantity".
This button opens a dedicated window that automatically changes depending on the wall type (composite or complex) and that shows you a list of the used fills and a preview area.
Clicking on the fill list item you will see highlighted in the preview area the correspondent fill.
Just select the desired fill and close the window using the OK button and the fill quantity will be added to the formula definition... nothing else!
This quantity is the volume of the desired part/skin of the complex profile.
But what you reported before was: "he is getting an formula error".
This is quite different, probably he defined in a wring way the formula (but I should see it to give you a better answer!).
For example if you insert two quantities without any "sign" ("+", "-", "*", ":") you will get such kind of error message.
Please let me know...
Of course you (or your colleague) can always directly contact Cigraph to get tech support.
Fabrizio Diodati
Graphisoft Italy Srl | Via Rossignago 2/A Spinea Venezia 30038 Italy