The trick here is simple but it exist because Autocad handles Text in a weird way which is that all fonts are Model Based.
1. Place DWG and Explode
2. Select Text tool and use CMD+A to select all Text
3. Change Text from "Paper Size" to "Model Size"
4. Change the scale of the drawing. The text will resize with the change in scale
5. Select the Text again and switch it back to Paper Size.
The way to "know" if text is in Model size is that the size will be in Feet-Inches instead of points.
If I am correct, the other option is:
1. Change the scale of the view before exploding the DWG
2. Explode
3. Select all text and change to Paper Size
I have not had to this recently so my recollection might be wrong as to the switch from one to another.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
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