So the deal is .. in ArchiCAD I use in many cases- Bring to front, push back commands " specially in stairs to show them properly, and some cases of extending slabs to hide below element " . which means basically that I am forcing a white fill " background of fill" over an element which works perfectly in ArchiCAD , exporting to PDF .
Now the issue comes when I export to AutoCAD. as many prefer , if we select an option to make all background fills as transparent " the MVO setting" this works good for everything except the elements that are supposed to be hidden under other elements " for example numbers of below stair that I just want part of ". so I used to convert all the white backgrounds as separate fills option and that goes into 3 fills " Cover , Cut and Draft" and all I have to do is to setup that pen "Screening" in Autocad to 1 . and everything works perfect.
But I am trying to avoid the last step. because yes in my office I can setup my pen assignment . but I am trying to avoid explaining that to the contractors every time I pass them those drawings.
Any Ideas ? " the funny bit is that some elements are converted as a wipeout and those work fine ... but I don't know how can I apply that to those background fills"
Thank you.