Automatic Structural Analytical Model Generation

Izabella Fulop
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni

The structural analytical model integrated within Archicad helps architects and structural engineers achieve real collaborative teamwork. This functionality is available as of Archicad 24.

To quickly find all the tools and features, use the dedicated Structural Engineering Work Environment Profile.


Within Archicad, you can achieve continuity in the structural analytical model with the help of the different tools, features and workflows.


Check out all the steps below, which you need to follow to achieve an automatically generated, fully continuous structural analytical model.

Step 1 - Requirements you need to fulfill

Before you start working with the structural analytical model within Archicad, you must ensure that all the requirements are fulfilled in the physical model. For this, please check out the followings:

  • The requirements you need to fulfill in Archicad to generate a correct integrated structural analytical model
  • The requirements for the correct display settings in Archicad, before activating the structural analytical model view
Step 2 - Physical Model Quality Check

Use this tool to double-check the physical model adequacy for the continuous structural analytical model generation within Archicad. You can access this tool under Design > Model Check > Physical Model Quality.


This tool contains a checklist of parameters. These checks are focusing on the physical construction adequacy of the elements regardless of their structural function, except for one parameter, namely, Another Load-Bearing Element closer than. Each parameter is briefly described in the Reference Guide, see Physical Model Check Parameters section.

This tool is considering only the visible elements, which can be limited by selection or view settings. If you run the check with some elements selected, only the selected elements will be checked.

Step 3 - Structural Analytical Model Generation Rules

Once the requirements are fulfilled in Archicad, the structural analytical model is automatically generated from the physical model. By default, the structural analytical model is generated in the center of the mass of the elements’ core section. This default model can be easily modified with rule-driven adjustments to achieve the required continuous structural analytical model. These rules adjust the analytical model geometry of the load-bearing elements and certain end/edge release definitions. The purpose is to optimize the structural analytical model to make it correct and compatible with external finite element analysis software.


You can access the Structural Analytical Model Generation Rules tool from the Design menu or by simply choosing it from the Structural Engineering toolbar as per the below figure.


The current Generation Rules automatically go into effect whenever you turn on the Structural Analytical Model view.


Each set of Generation Rules includes:

Step 4 - Structural Analytical Model Quality Check

Use this tool to double-check the structural analytical model adequacy before the model exchange with external finite element analysis software.
You can access this tool under Design > Model Check > Structural Analytical Model Quality.


This tool contains a checklist of parameters. These checks are focusing and considering only the structural analytical model adequacy of the load-bearing elements and not the physical model of the elements, except for one parameter, namely Load-Bearing element with no Member. Each parameter is briefly described in the Reference Guide, see Structural Analytical Model Quality Check section.

This tool is considering only the visible elements, which can be limited by selection or view settings. If you run the check with some elements selected, only the selected elements will be checked.

Step 5 - Further enhancements of the Structural Analytical Model

Before sharing the structural analytical model with an external finite element analysis software, you can do further enhancements based on your requirements. For more information, please check out all the below tools and possible settings:

  • Structural Support
    Use this tool to define the support conditions for your structural analytical model within Archicad. These elements are going to be specific to their host elements, and visible only in the structural analytical model view.
    For further information, please check out the Structural Supports section in the Reference Guide.
  • Structural Links
    Use this tool to connect your structural analytical members to indicate how applied loads are transferred between each load-bearing member. These elements are going to be specific to their host elements, and visible only in the structural analytical model view.
    For further information, please check out the Structural Links section in the Reference Guide.

Based on all the above steps, you are now ready to share your structural analytical model with an external finite element analysis software. For a successful model exchange workflow, please check out the Structural Analytical Model Exchange article.

For further information, please visit

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