About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.
When creating a new Property the "proportional with" option has Item, length, Surface ABC, Volume and Custom.
If I select Volume then in a composite slab or in a column with plaster I get the total of the elements volume calculated as Structural Concrete instead of the core only. Who is it possible to change this, and have only the core calculated? Can "custom" be set so as to do this?
OK, i have found a way to have the property object calculate the volume of the column core...
Now the question is: Why is it displayed as double the correct number?
I mean that in a column that does not have a plaster veneer I get the correct number returned on the Schedule, but when I add a veneer the core column displays as double the number...
I am intrigued by your problem but unsure as to why you are using the "proportional with" parameter. The Bill of Quantities schedule calculates the total and core volumes of a column correctly without addition of this parameter to the object.
can you please make this test for me... Create 2 columns say 40x40 and 3m high, one with a veneer and the other one without.
Go to Elements Lists > Basic, the volume of both columns is the same.
Go to Components Lists > Basic, the volume of the veneer-less columns appears correct (same as before), the volume of the column with the veneer appears double.
Yes I did get the same result as you in my Element List. Only core volume is calculated. I must have a glitch with the Component List feature because it returns with an error stating: "Listing is empty. There are items (or zones) to create a list with, but they contain no data to display."
It is correct to have only the core volume calculated. The problem is that in the Components List (that Im using) when I have a column with veneer, the core volume gets doubled!