Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
2006-06-15 08:49 PM
2006-06-20 09:47 PM
ejrolon wrote:Totally forgot about this
I don't think the problem is for us and since I grew up using DOS 8.3 limit I don't have a problem with keeping it short but a lot of CAD "users" since Win95 got used to the idea of loooooong filenames.
Imagine my surprise when I couldn't import a dwg file from a consultant because he had written an "essay" for the file name. No error in AC just couldn't select the file for import, I was lucky to "guess" at the problem since AutoCAD could open the file without problems as did SketchUp, Illustrator and Vectorworks...
As for Windows to be unaffected it is not an excuse, what would happen if you would have to share a project between platforms. As I sometimes have to do.
Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator
2006-06-21 03:02 PM
Jaime wrote:I do not quite understand this because 'ESTRUTURA2001-Mamede.dwg' is only 24 characters long.Thomas wrote:Ok! Thank you all for your kind replies.Jaime wrote:Mysterious.
There are no visible layers on the Archicad file (with the exception the Archicad layer).
- have you succeeded in importing any DWGs any time before?
- Check with the sender that the file isn't saved in a later Autocad DWG version than 2004. I don't think 2006 works in AC9.
(...) If nothing works, you need professional support. Contact your reseller.
After contacting the Engineer who has sent me the file (Autocad 14)...
... after much trial with diferent types of software ('e-drawings'; 'Canvas') ...I finally solved the puzzling question about why Archicad 9.0 could not open the .dwg file:
— it has to do with the long name and probably the hyphen character (the original file name was 'ESTRUTURA2001-Mamede.dwg').
I changed the file name to 'ESTRUTURAS' and now it opens easily and with no problems whatsoever.
I hope this information can be useful to the Archicad comunity.
Jaime Neto | Archicad 9.0.0, 2045 Int Full | PlotMaker 9.0.0 2045 INT Full | PowerBook G4, 1GB Ram
2006-06-21 05:39 PM
2006-06-21 06:37 PM
laszlonagy wrote:I downloaded the file again from my mailbox, with the original name 'ESTRUTURA2001-Mamede.dwg'. I tried again to open it and there is again the same: no lines whatsoever!
I do not quite understand this because 'ESTRUTURA2001-Mamede.dwg' is only 24 characters long.
Maybe a directory name in your path to the DWG file was more than 31 characters.
Still, I am glab you could open the file.
2006-06-21 06:43 PM
Thomas wrote:You have been most kind and instructive on the right procedure for opening a .dwg file. My knowledge of this matter has widened considerably. I thank you for that. : )
Sorry. I should have catched that one.
2006-06-22 04:07 PM
Jaime wrote:I believe you completely. It just did not sound logical to me.
Laslo Nagy: I can send you the file to your private mail if you want to check it!
Jaime Neto
Archicad 9.0.0, 2045 Int Full | PlotMaker 9.0.0 2045 INT Full | Apple PowerBook G4, 1GB Ram
2006-06-30 03:18 PM