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DWG-saving-problem -->unlinked Xref???

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hi, (my first post here; I'm not english speaker (german); I'm not AC-beginner!!!)

Problem: Can't save DWG file from AC-model. "Outputdatei kann nicht geschrieben werden" / Outputfile could not be written.

This is NOT a beginner-Problem!

History: I got Autocad-DWG-file from speciallist ("Fachplaner"). In this file there was a Xref-link to my own DWG, which I sent him as grundwork/base?/basis? But the Xref-link was linked on his serverpath.
I opened his file with AC10. After correcting colors, lines ... I copied all and paste it into my holy AC-work-file.
I guess, that at that moment this unvisibel Xref-link was attached in my AC-file. The problem: I can't delete it. When I link it to another DWG after a while, there comes a massage, that the Xref could not be deleted.
I have the guess from the hungarian AC-develloper, that this dead link could cause my DWG-saving problem.

The linked image is a screen from the Xref-Management-dialog.
I want that there's no item listed. Only deleting is not possible, I wrote.
Deleting all layers in my holy file don't solve the problem. It's not possible to write a empty dwg!

The answer to my problem is NOT, to copie all to a new projekt.
The answer is not to copy the story to an new story (DWG is then possible, but all the story-addikted elements gone to hell...
It doesn't matter what translater U use.
My holy AC-file is a fragile construct with a lot of hotlinks from other projects (in modelspace, not layouts) It would be a 2 days work to link all the files again. It's a file for a 160 mio €-hospital. I'm under pressure...

sorry, for talking slowly an extensive/wide.
Please show me how to delete the f*** Xref-link in my AC-file, thx.

(he who solve my problem tonight should immediatly set a boot or a plate outdoor. santaclaus is comin' tonight)

good night

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Hey Everybody,

I have searched the forums & wiki and cannot seem to find a solution to this problem.

I have 2 xrefs attached to my floor plans. But for some reason, just the other day 3 new xrefs are listed that shouldn't be there. (They may be from a DWG that I merged, but I haven't confirmed that yet) When I go to detach them, they refuse to detach and are still there when I re-enter the xref manager. If I try to bind any of them, I get an error "Could not delete XREF".

These xrefs are also listed in a peculiar way. Under the "Reference name" Column where the 2 proper Xrefs are list as "Lighting" & "Mechanical" the 3 stray xrefs are listed as "G:\CLIENT\PROJECT\CON"

This is a problem because these messed up xrefs are preventing AC10 from saving a dwg of that story. Other stories publish to DWG properly. I'm guessing when it outputs the other 2 dwg xrefs to the publishing location, it errors out when it can't find the 3 stray xrefs.

Has anyone run across this before or has a solution?


EDIT ---------------------
Another thread was started before mine (that I didn't find earlier), so for the sake of keeping things in one place, please continue discussion in that thread:

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I am having the exact same problem as you.

Except I have 3 bogus xrefs & 2 legitimate xrefs. The 3 bogus xrefs cause publishing to DWG to fail for that story, same as you.

I hope someone can shed some light on this problem!
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hi belly917,
I've send my file in Xmas-holiday via GS-germany to the developers in hungary. They opened the file with the next Patch-version for AC (>1010) and killed the f...ing Xrefs.
So you can wait for the next build of AC or maybe AC11 or try the way sending your file to hungary if you can do without the file for several days.
So far I don't know a workaround to heal the file by my self.
greetings klaus
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Thanks for the response. I'm glad to hear that this problem will be resolved in the next update.

I was able to get rid of the xrefs by making a new story above, copying all the relevant layers, and then deleting the story with the problematic xrefs. Luckily, I didn't have as much linked to this drawing so I only lost an afternoon's worth of work.

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hi belly917

may be you have to make sure all layers are unlock before you bind. some times, merging dwg. could lock the layer. please check.

or else, i have no idea. ha ha....