Hey Everybody,
I have searched the forums & wiki and cannot seem to find a solution to this problem.
I have 2 xrefs attached to my floor plans. But for some reason, just the other day 3 new xrefs are listed that shouldn't be there. (They may be from a DWG that I merged, but I haven't confirmed that yet) When I go to detach them, they refuse to detach and are still there when I re-enter the xref manager. If I try to bind any of them, I get an error "Could not delete XREF".
These xrefs are also listed in a peculiar way. Under the "Reference name" Column where the 2 proper Xrefs are list as "Lighting" & "Mechanical" the 3 stray xrefs are listed as "G:\CLIENT\PROJECT\CON"
This is a problem because these messed up xrefs are preventing AC10 from saving a dwg of that story. Other stories publish to DWG properly. I'm guessing when it outputs the other 2 dwg xrefs to the publishing location, it errors out when it can't find the 3 stray xrefs.
Has anyone run across this before or has a solution?
EDIT ---------------------
Another thread was started before mine (that I didn't find earlier), so for the sake of keeping things in one place, please continue discussion in that thread: