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Font problem when publishing into DWG;

Not applicable
When I publish layout to PDF everything looks fine, but when I publish layout into DWG, font changes completly.

Font that Im using is Bahnshrift.

There is no problem
You don't tell how to export fonts so your DWG don't know
You had to check these parameters :

Christophe - FRANCE
Archicad Designer and Teacher
Archicad 15 to 28 FRA FULL

OS 13 Ventura - MacBook Pro M2 max- 32Go RAM
"Quality is never an accident ; it's always the result of an intelligent effort" John Ruskin
Not applicable

I didnt succed to convert it properly, no matter what I try text goes to .txt font in DWG.


I don't see any font parameter about your dwg export (red rectangle)

No parameter no right font export
Christophe - FRANCE
Archicad Designer and Teacher
Archicad 15 to 28 FRA FULL

OS 13 Ventura - MacBook Pro M2 max- 32Go RAM
"Quality is never an accident ; it's always the result of an intelligent effort" John Ruskin
Not applicable
I dont know why but I keep getting same results


Have you defined a font or a "Autocad Style"?
It seems to be different, check it into Autocad
Christophe - FRANCE
Archicad Designer and Teacher
Archicad 15 to 28 FRA FULL

OS 13 Ventura - MacBook Pro M2 max- 32Go RAM
"Quality is never an accident ; it's always the result of an intelligent effort" John Ruskin
I had a similar problem with one of our users, and it turns out, that some windows fonts (Open Sans in my case) is actually Open Type, not True Type. Even though, the font file has .ttf extension. If you open that font in windows font folder, you will see on the top, that this is OpenType.

Autocad can't use opentype fonts!

Gorazd Rajh

From AC 6.5 onward, Ryzen 9 5900HS, 48 GB RAM, RTX 3080, Win 11
I am having a similar problem with AC23 4004 exporting fonts. Everything is set up "by the book" and images above. AC will create a style in Autocad for Arial, but seems incapable of converting some other fonts even though the same fonts are useable and available in Autocad. The other frustrating aspect is that the MTEXT content attributes appear to be overridden with Archicad's style, for example even though the Autocad default font for the text style may be Arial, within the text it will still be displayed as TXT.SHX. This means there is no quick way to change the style within Autocad and we are left exporting drawings with a mixture of Arial and TXT.SHX. Surely the correct method of export should be that unless a font is overridden within an Archicad text object, the resulting font at the Autocad end should use the default for the Autocad style?
Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)
Update to my last post. If you refer to an autocad dwg template file in the translator save settings having the required font styles embedded then the export will map correctly e.g. if you are using obscure.ttf font in archicad that you need to map into autocad, then save a style in autocad as “my_font” using “obscure.ttf” and in the archicad translator map “obscure.ttf” to “my_font”. This seems to fix Archicad’s inability to export anything other than a limited group of fonts. It doesn’t allow the recipient to change the font used in the text by changing the style but it does help avoid unwanted appearances of theTXT. Shx font.
Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)
Minh Nguyen
Graphisoft Alumni
Graphisoft Alumni
Hi All,

Thank you for reporting this issue and I am very sorry about the experience!

Unfortunately, I have to tell you that this is a generic issue with DWG-DXF export and it requires a big overhaul for the add-on itself. The font handling engine when exporting to DWG, or the Font-Style conversion does not work reliably at export without a DWG Template file.

If the Style does not exist (and if it cannot be created at export) the mapping may not even happen (it will map to the style "Standard") or it may happen, but it will just create a new style that refers not to the ARCHICAD Font defined in mapping, but to some default (txt.shx / Arial).

Since this would be a big task to work on (overhaul for the whole add-on), this might take a while to be implemented in a future ARCHICAD version. As DGSketcher has pointed out, a DWG template can be used as a workaround in this situation for a correct font export to DWG.

The proper steps should be as following:
1. Start a new Drawing in AutoCAD.
2. Type the STYLE command
3. Create a new font style with a name (this is the name you'll use in the translator)
4. Set up this new font style
5. Save the drawing as an AutoCAD Drawing Template (.dwt)
6. Close the file (so that ARCHICAD can open it)

After that, you can browse this DWT in the translator and create the desired font mapping.

I am truly sorry for the inconvenience! I really hope that we can start this project soon, so that we can improve the DWG export/import experience!

Thank you very much for your contribution and enthusiasm!

Best regards,

Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer