Collaboration with consultants many times involves the use of DXF-DWG files. Differences in office standards can make content graphically difficult to use. Luckily, the DXF-DWG translator can help users map attributes in ArchiCAD to those in DXF-DWG files. For an overview of the translator settings, click
here. Follow the steps below to create a custom translator.
Create a Custom DXF-DWG Translator
1. Go to File > Interoperability > DXF-DWG > DXF-DWG Translation Setup...
2. In the DXF-DWG Translation Setup dialogue box click the Create New... button.
3. Name the translator and click OK.
4. Give the translator a description.
5. After customizing the translator settings, click Save Settings & Close.
Customize the DXF-DWG Translator Settings
Refer to the links below on how to customize the settings in your custom DWF-DWG translator.
Using a DXF-DWG File as a an Attribute Mapping Template
Layer Mapping
Pens and Colors Mapping
Line Types Mapping
Fills Mapping
Font-Style Conversion Mapping