Chris wrote:
you can give the heated zones you want to included a unique identifying letter as it's ID then make the presence of that ID letter a criteria for inclusion in the schedule.
Or better yet,
1. Use (or add) a PARAMETER in the Zone Stamp as one of the parameters in your schedule
2. Set this parameter as the 1st parameter and then set the HEADLINE to ON (this will use the first parameter as a grouping parameter) and thereby you can achieve subtotals for each of the formed groups
**** so you parameter might be USER 1 and you would type in CONDITIONED for the living spaces and UNCONDITIONED for the other spaces. The headline would make your schedule look something like...
1st Floor LIVING 1,000sf
2nd Floor Living 500sf
Subtotal 1,500sf
Garage 800sf
Mech 100sf
Subtotal 900sf
You get the idea?
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