Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Collaboration with other software
About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.


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Hello all.
Now we want adjust IFC exchange with engineering company, who working in REVIT. We have a lot of questions and I will share this questions on this topic.
Here one of them:

289. What settings item we need want to assign on REVIT to entry IFC in ARCHICAD they are displayed only on its own floor plan?
(Display on the floor suffering in ARCHICAD a function display on the Plan.:
All the elements that are displayed with the IFC's gone "on all relevant". It is necessary to assign the display "Only their own". How to do it in the REVIT?)
Where I can get this IFC parameter?

Karl Griffith
I am currently going through the same process of learning to work with an engineer who uses Revit.

I have found that it has been helpful to import using the Layer conversion setting "Keep original layers and add extension" (see attached). This way I can set up layer combinations for the MEP model only, or for my model without the MEP, or for a combination. I also know that information on the MEP layers should not be edited - if changes are needed I'll review with the engineer.

I anticipate that I will export my architectural model back to the engineer using my layers only. That way their model is a reference model for my model, and my model is a reference model for theirs.

For structural, there will be some overlap between the models, but the ArchiCAD videos in the Help Center do a good job of explaining the process of tracking and identifying changes in the imported ifc file.
ArchiCAD 22

Win 10
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Karl wrote:
the ArchiCAD videos in the Help Center do a good job of explaining the process of tracking and identifying changes in the imported ifc file.
Hello, Karl.
Can you share this movies here?
Karl wrote:
I will export my architectural model back to the engineer using my layers only.
Your answer about our next question:

290. How to synchronize project Attributes REVIT between ARCHICAD?
(After the merge of IFC-model imported from REVIT in ARCHICAD add REVITs Attributes (Hatch, coatings, building materials, etc.). How to synchronize information so project Attributes are not duplicated?)
Karl Griffith
Here is the link to the referenced video:


This is part of a series of videos, so you should probably view the others as well.

For your second question, I haven't gotten that far yet, to be able to advise you. I'd be interested to learn this as well.
ArchiCAD 22

Win 10
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Karl wrote:
I'd be interested to learn this as well.
Here is answer of Mykola Golovko (ARHIMATIKA BIM Manager, Ukraine):
"Customize material mapping in the translator IFC before importing."
Karl Griffith
Thank you - now that I see it, I recall it from setting up the import. I just haven't attempted to customize it yet. I'll have to look at it more closely.
ArchiCAD 22

Win 10
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intCAD wrote:
289. What settings item we need want to assign on REVIT to entry IFC in ARCHICAD they are displayed only on its own floor plan?
(Display on the floor suffering in ARCHICAD a function display on the Plan.:
All the elements that are displayed with the IFC's gone "on all relevant". It is necessary to assign the display "Only their own". How to do it in the REVIT?)
Where I can get this IFC parameter?
There is no such IFC parameter/entity.
You can, potentially, create a custom IFC property for bi-derectional exchange, if you need to identify such elements on import, but a simple Find&Select routine based on layers or any other identification principle would work too (after import to ArchiCAD).
Not applicable
Anton wrote:
create a custom IFC property for bi-derectional exchange
yes this is exactly what we need. How to do it? Maybe, you have a tutorial movie on this issue?
Not applicable
intCAD wrote:
yes this is exactly what we need. How to do it? Maybe, you have a tutorial movie on this issue?
What is wrong with ArchiCAD manual? Seems to be a valid resource.

Interoperability > File Handling and Exchange > Working with IFC > Working with IFC Data > Creating and Editing IFC Data

However, I don't think you need that in your case. I would simply use Find&Select after import and change that attribute for any element I need. Keeps IFC file cleaner this way.
Not applicable
intCAD wrote:
290. How to synchronize project Attributes REVIT between ARCHICAD?
(After the merge of IFC-model imported from REVIT in ARCHICAD add REVITs Attributes (Hatch, coatings, building materials, etc.). How to synchronize information so project Attributes are not duplicated?)
intCAD wrote:
Here is answer of Mykola Golovko (ARHIMATIKA BIM Manager, Ukraine):
"Customize material mapping in the translator IFC before importing."
I'm try it and everething is ok. Nice, this question resolved.