2008-12-09 07:06 PM
2008-12-09 07:17 PM
rhendrickson wrote:Yes and no. Apparently, you are selecting all of your lights by choosing the lamp tool and then doing a select all (cmd/ctrl-A).
Do I have to locate each individual light and turn it off so I can have the sun objects and window lights left on? I would like to leave the light objects in place, just turned off. Is there a group switch for that?
2008-12-09 07:29 PM
2008-12-09 07:30 PM
2008-12-09 07:34 PM
2008-12-09 08:42 PM
2008-12-10 01:44 AM
2008-12-10 01:58 AM
rhendrickson wrote:Roger,
Thanks! I built a schedule and turned off the selected interior lights. Now we see if the other light objects will have the desired effect in the room.
2008-12-10 02:42 AM
Karl wrote:You should be able to if they appear in the 3D window.
Instead, assign useful ID's in the ID field of each light and use Find & Select to select the desired group of lights and turn them off in one step. (You cannot group across stories).
2008-12-10 10:16 AM