I understand that you could actually model in any software that has good communication with MaxonForm if you don't know Cinema and know some other software. Either way in my opinion it was mistake to connect that kind of bridge with just one software, especially that not everyone is using Cinema and not everyone have time to learn it.
My idea is this:
1. Develop much better 3ds/obj/ACIS/put your own import, with much better control on materials, face smoothing, edge visibility (inherit original is the best),
2. Develop Modeling/Massing (aka Revit) tools within AC and give option to:
a) using pln files as library objects (maybe some simplified file format, maybe not)
b) give possibility to add parameters to the objects (in the hotspot fashion from GDL)
I think that's it for now. Hmmm... looks like this one could go to Wishes.