Hi there ArchiCADers... news from the wild world of Revit!
Revit 2010 has just hit the streets, and implanted face first. So much for crowd surfing: this release was panned before it was released and now enjoys widespread scorn from the user community. Long time Revit users, ex-Autodesk employees, experts and implementers, and representatives from the Revit user community have all come to the conclusion that Revit 2010 sucks. There are a few that are supporting it on AUGI, so the hate isn't universal.
I'm a little stunned at the response, and not sure if it's warranted. Revit is in the middle of a UI facelift (evidently the developers are Ribbon haters -- it was forced on them by management), and its graphic engine is being replaced by one supporting DirectX 9. It's faster than 2009, but no one seems to care. It's that Revit Architecture got a few scant features in this release and an interface the majority didn't ask for.
Like you, we have a wishlist a mile long of items large and small. And most of those wishes remain unmet after half a dozen releases. It's customer relationship management 101: give the paying customer what they want. Talk to them before you force-feed them a new interface. And frankly, Autodesk has missed doing that so badly that some users are openly talking about bailing on Revit and trying something else.
Arrogance, incompetence, or did they just not see this coming? The user community would say either of the first two, and it's not pretty. I think it's a combination of management making a bad call and then not anticipating that the user community would blow their stack. But our users have been waiting for ages for some long-standing wishes to be fulfilled, and release after release, they don't show up. Patience evaporates, and now it's gone.
It's good news for you folks, because every time Autodesk screws up this badly, the sun shines a lighter brighter on you all.
Side note: Aaron Bourgoin, a local VW user and myself will be making a presentation to the Architectural Institute of British Columbia on how you can do BIM with AC, VW and Revit. Perhaps the field is leveling a bit?
AUGI appears to be down right now, but I'll post some links later showing how rabid our members are. We're a scary lot, I tell you!