2005-07-26 12:45 AM
2005-07-26 07:46 PM
2005-07-27 05:13 AM
Aaron wrote:Really?
Have a look at Tekla: http://www.tekla.com
This is supposedly IFC compliant.
2005-07-27 05:43 AM
Does Tekla support an open interface standard for all willing parties?Have spoken with the Canadian rep for Tekla and he tells me he's looking into specifics. I'll post something when he gets back to me.
Yes! Tekla has released the first completely integrated solution for structural design. This does not mean we are not an open system. Vice versa. The tightly integrated Tekla Structures totally opens up new opportunities for collaboration. Tekla is ready and willing to fulfill the collaboration needs around structural design with open interfaces such as CIS/2, IFC, COM, etc....
2005-07-27 06:17 AM
2005-07-28 01:23 AM
2005-07-28 02:01 AM
2005-07-28 08:36 PM
Adalbert wrote:For the European users:
I wonder when AC is will move and have a Structural Engineering Analysis & Design Software integration.
2005-07-29 09:42 PM
2005-07-29 11:52 PM