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gbXML Export

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Firstly, I would like to thank everyone on this forum who has helped me so far. I've learnt alot and I couldn't have done it without you. Also to the company ' Encina ' who make fantastic add-ons for ArchiCAD has really helped me with my work and understanding ArchiCAD better.

I've just used the gbXML export add on for the first time and I can't belive how easy it was to use. This has saved me from having to draw the building envelope in that horrible software Ecotect, which is where the model is going to be used for the solar analysis etc. The image below shows my building, but from ArchiCAD how can I add the floors to the export and also the windows ? Now the windows were created by the curtain wall tool, then I manually ' fillied in the gaps ' with the wall tool, ( the windows are not ordinary windows so I made them myself ) so this could be why they haven't been exported... Actually thinking about it, I don't think this add on was designed to export the windows...

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you

Ralph Wessel
NStocks wrote:
Now the windows were created by the curtain wall tool, then I manually ' fillied in the gaps ' with the wall tool, ( the windows are not ordinary windows so I made them myself ) so this could be why they haven't been exported... Actually thinking about it, I don't think this add on was designed to export the windows...
The gbXML Export add-on does export windows, but not curtain walls (API access to curtain walls is problematic at present - hopefully improved in AC14).

If the windows don't appear in Ecotect, there are two possible answers:
1) Something in the zones or model are preventing a clean export
2) Ecotect isn't importing them

I need more information to work it out. First, which version of Ecotect are you using? Also, can you email the gbXML file to me for checking? You can also check for yourself - windows and doors in the gbXML are tagged as an "Opening". Open the file with any text editor and search for that tag. It will look something like
<Opening id="opn4" openingType="NonSlidingDoor" constructionIdRef="ctn5">
[Edit: You should fully model your building with walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, doors, and windows. The gbXML won't contain any more than your model does.]
Ralph Wessel BArch
Software Engineer Speckle Systems
Not applicable
I'm using the Autodesk Ecotect Analysis 2010 version ( latest ). I now fear that the floors are causing the problems, they were created with slab but I'm not sure why they wouldn't export. I will send you the file.

Thank You
Ralph Wessel
NStocks wrote:
I'm using the Autodesk Ecotect Analysis 2010 version ( latest ). I now fear that the floors are causing the problems, they were created with slab but I'm not sure why they wouldn't export. I will send you the file.
OK, I've looked at your gbXML. I also opened it in IES (image attached). First up, there is only one door in the gbXML and no windows. The only 'openings' are huge gaps between the walls.

Did you actually place windows in the model, i.e. using the Window tool, or did you simply draw walls bounding curtain wall elements? It looks like the latter.

Second, the gbXML does include a roof and floors. However, the rooms do not seem to be vertically connected, i.e. the walls below don't connect to the ceilings above. This can happen if your room zones are too short and don't make contact with the slab above. Perhaps you should email your model as well.
Ralph Wessel BArch
Software Engineer Speckle Systems
Not applicable
Yes, I made the windows using the Curtain Wall tool, then bounded the curtain wall to the floors by using the wall tool. This probably explain why there are just large openings, as you know the curtain wall doesn't 'cut' the wall like windows do.

Thank You
Ralph Wessel
NStocks wrote:
Yes, I made the windows using the Curtain Wall tool, then bounded the curtain wall to the floors by using the wall tool. This probably explain why there are just large openings, as you know the curtain wall doesn't 'cut' the wall like windows do.
Correct. To produce a good gbXML file, model walls with the wall tool, floors/roofs with the slab/roof tool, windows with the window tool, and doors with the door tool.

It's far easier to produce windows with the window tool anyway - they integrate well with other building elements, particularly walls. You must have spent quite a while shaping the walls around those curtain walls.
Ralph Wessel BArch
Software Engineer Speckle Systems
Not applicable
Ralph wrote:
NStocks wrote:
Yes, I made the windows using the Curtain Wall tool, then bounded the curtain wall to the floors by using the wall tool. This probably explain why there are just large openings, as you know the curtain wall doesn't 'cut' the wall like windows do.
Correct. To produce a good gbXML file, model walls with the wall tool, floors/roofs with the slab/roof tool, windows with the window tool, and doors with the door tool.

It's far easier to produce windows with the window tool anyway - they integrate well with other building elements, particularly walls. You must have spent quite a while shaping the walls around those curtain walls.
Yes it did take quite a long time, but this is the easiest way for me to do it. Whilst I made a custom window, I wasn't sure how you get the library part ' out of ' the 3D window... Is there anything I can do regarding the floors and windows to make them go into Ecotect from Archicad ?

Thank You
Ralph Wessel
NStocks wrote:
Yes it did take quite a long time, but this is the easiest way for me to do it. Whilst I made a custom window, I wasn't sure how you get the library part ' out of ' the 3D window... Is there anything I can do regarding the floors and windows to make them go into Ecotect from Archicad ?
The floors are already in the gbXML (as you can see in the IES image). If they don't appear in Ecotect, then you need to contact Autodesk to find out why.

To get windows in the gbXML, put windows in your ArchiCAD model. If you need help creating your windows, start a new topic showing what you have done so far and asking how this could be done with windows rather than curtain walls.
Ralph Wessel BArch
Software Engineer Speckle Systems
Not applicable
I'm starting to place the windows, directly in Ecotect as this saves time, for sure I will be learning how to create custom windows as will come in useful when we start out next project on Monday ( not sure what the brief is yet... ) In Ecotect, it shows two planes one the floor and one the ceiling., but they don't seem to join i.e there is a (300mm ) gap between floors. I know this is probably something I should be asking on the autodesk forum, I've already posted on there but it doesn't seem as active as this forum.

Thank you again Ralph.
Ralph Wessel
NStocks wrote:
In Ecotect, it shows two planes one the floor and one the ceiling., but they don't seem to join i.e there is a (300mm ) gap between floors.
Check the level and height of each interior zone - it should touch or overlap its respective floor and ceiling (i.e. the slab or roof element). If in doubt, show the zones in 3D and visually check that they fill the room interiors.
Ralph Wessel BArch
Software Engineer Speckle Systems