Collaboration with other software
About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.

which Web Editor to use?

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I am about to start creating a few small websites for our firm. I'm looking for a web editor that will be easy to use but also look good online. Adobe's GoLive seems like a robust product for its ability to compose a web page as I do an Illustrator or Photoshop page with graphics and text placed where I want them.
Previously when I was in architecture school I had used MS FrontPage to create websites for my portfolio and school projects. It was easy and straightforward--pretty much like composing in a Word document. That was also part of the problem that I had with FrontPage. When I wanted a more graphic page layout I was restricted to using a table which did not always give me the look that I wanted.
I did like FrontPage's automatic thumbnail feature to reduce the image size on the initial page which also automatically gave me a link to the full sized image.
Another thing that I liked about FrontPage was that I could assign content (text and images) to be justified left, center or right. This way I was assured that the content would be viewed pretty much as I composed it no matter what resolution and monitor the pages were viewed on.
I am concerned that if I switch to GoLive I will be creating pages that will not show up justified on the web or pages that will need to be scrolled across to read. Does GoLive have a justification and/or resize feature to make the pages fit to the user's browser?
Are there other reasons that I should be using GoLive vs. FrontPage?
I'm hoping to get some feedback and/or recommendations on a web editor. Right now I'm considering GoLive and FrontPage. DreamWeaver seems robust but it also has a reputation as having a very steep learning curve. I'm interested in hearing any opinions for the wizards on the forum.

Thank you,
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David wrote:
I like GoLive. It's worth taking an introduction class. The young man in my office uses DreamWeaver at home and GoLive at the office. After using both of them he wishes they were somehow combined.
Man you lost some hair

Merry Christmas
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hmmmm.... what are looking for..... if you want to put a site together and want some great organization, I would go with ...PHPNuke or far as an editor goes I prefer HTMLKIT

all are pretty much free....
Rick Thompson
I've been using GoLive on my site for about 8 years. I think GoLive would be advantageous for you since you also use Photoshop and Illustrator and they are designed to work together very well. You can open an image in GoLive in Photoshop to manipulate it, without fuss. I am far from a computer whiz, and I figured it out fairly easily (drag and drop)... and it was not even owned by Adobe then so lacked much of what it has today. I no longer manage my web site (it's database driven now) but the person I use does. There are many tools to adjust to different browsers etc. GoLive uses a grid system making image and text placement very easy. You can't go wrong with Dreamweaver though.
Rick Thompson
Mac Sonoma AC 26
Mac M2 studio w/ display
struggling with dreamweaver at the moment but i'm slowly beginning to appreciate the power that it has. the learning curve is steep and the manual/tutorials don't cover anything i need to know but by reverse engineering the code in other websites i'm learning quite a bit more than i expected.

for what it's worth photoshop/illustrator integration is maybe not quite as smooth and all encompassing as a complete adobe suite, but i have no trouble defining primary editing apps for different file types: dreamweaver will launch photoshop/imageready for me when i want to edit those types of assets . . . etc . . .

my 2p
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