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2021-09-08 12:05 AM
As far asvi know, the only method to create a custom classification system is to use classification window inside Archicad, create classes one by one, number them, oh wait, if i want to reorder my classes, it will be a nightmare....
I tried to generate classifications by mapping an excel tible using Archicad classification map, but it does not export, Archicad xml mapping uses list of lists mapping and this is not supported by excel.
Antone explored this field and had some good results ??
Also classification from revit can't be loaded in Archicad
A better classification manager should be inttoduced soon,
2021-09-14 09:42 AM
I have played a bit with a Python script to convert a Revit classification file directly into an Archicad classification XML you can import. It's not perfect and needs to be tuned to the input file (e.g., how the code was set up into fields - but also how to get children inside the right parent), but this one brings you a huge step in the right direction.
import copy
import sys
import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import datetime
def parse_line(line):
# Each other line has
# Code Tab Code:description Tab Number Tab Tab
# split with tabs
fields = line.strip().split("\t")
code = fields[0]
# print(" -- Code = " + fields[0])
fields2 = fields[1].strip().split(":")
description = fields2[1]
# print(" -- Description = " + fields2[1])
return (fields[0], fields2[1])
def parse_rvt_assembly(filename):
now = datetime.datetime.now()
# Prepare XML output
# root = ET.fromstring('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>')
BuildingInformation = ET.Element('BuildingInformation')
Classification = ET.SubElement(BuildingInformation, 'Classification')
System = ET.SubElement(Classification, 'System')
Name = ET.SubElement(System, 'Name')
EditionVersion = ET.SubElement(System, 'EditionVersion')
EditionDate = ET.SubElement(System, 'EditionDate')
Year = ET.SubElement(EditionDate, 'Year')
Year.text = str(now.year)
Month = ET.SubElement(EditionDate, 'Month')
Month.text = str(now.month)
Day = ET.SubElement(EditionDate, 'Day')
Day.text = str(now.day)
Description = ET.SubElement(System, 'Description')
Source = ET.SubElement(System, 'Source')
Items = ET.SubElement(System, 'Items')
# Make a dictionary of parents, by chopping of the last field of the ID
parents = dict()
# Coming from Revit, it's UTF-16, Little-Endian, CRLF
with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-16-le') as infile:
# First line = * TAB Title TAB Number TAB TAB
firstline = infile.readline()
fields = firstline.strip().split("\t")
Name.text = fields[1]
EditionVersion.text = '0.1'
# parse the items from the Third line
for line in infile.readlines()[3:]:
# Ignore all other lines which start with *, # or !
if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('*') or line.startswith('!') or line.startswith('@'):
print("Skipped " + line)
fields = parse_line(line)
# fields[0] = code
# fields[1] = description
# And then find out the parent, by splitting the "ID" on dots
CodeFields = fields[0].split(".")
# if the code ends with a dot, remove the (empty) last item too
if (CodeFields[-1] == ''):
if len(CodeFields) > 0:
foundParent = False
ParentFields = copy.deepcopy(CodeFields) # otherwise we pop the original
while not foundParent:
if len(ParentFields) == 0:
foundParent = True
Item = ET.SubElement(Items, 'Item')
parentID = ".".join(ParentFields)
parentID += "."
if parentID in parents:
parent = parents[parentID]
# add item to children
ParentChildren = parent.find('Children')
if ParentChildren is None:
ParentChildren = ET.SubElement(parent, 'Children')
Item = ET.SubElement(ParentChildren, 'Item')
foundParent = True
# finish
Code = ET.SubElement(Item, 'ID')
ItemName = ET.SubElement(Item, 'Name')
ItemName.text = fields[1]
ItemChildren = ET.SubElement(Item, 'Children')
Code.text = fields[0]
ItemDescription = ET.SubElement(Item, 'Description')
ItemDescription.text = fields[1]
# Add to the dictionary
parents[fields[0]] = Item
with open("output.xml", "wb") as f:
# convert xml data to byte object before writing
b_xml = ET.tostring(BuildingInformation)
if __name__ == '__main__':
filename = sys.argv[1]
if os.path.isfile(filename):
When applied to my input file, the result looks like the following fragment (after I applied XML-tidy script in a text editor):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Name>RG904 v. 2014 - Regie Der Gebouwen</Name>
<Name>Inrichten van de bouwplaats</Name>
<Name>Voorlopige omheining</Name>
<Description>Voorlopige omheining</Description>
<Name>Voorlopige omheining in overeenstemming met de gemeentelijke voorschriften</Name>
<Description>Voorlopige omheining in overeenstemming met de gemeentelijke voorschriften</Description>
And this gets imported nicely in Archicad. But your mileage may vary.
2021-09-17 01:35 PM
Hello again
I'm not famliar with coding language, but, if your code is strong enough to be an "international translaor" it would be a great tool,
I'm still working on the excel file, more accurate for me, trying to solve the problem i mentioned before
2021-11-03 07:15 PM - edited 2021-11-03 07:16 PM
Hello again !
I did this, but it didn't work, i followed all the formulas,
I even opened in notepad++ a classification generated from Archicad to see how it's structured,
I created the SAME structure in excel, ( i checked similaritie using a formula )
when i copy from excel to notepad ++ , save, and reimport in Archicad, it says corrupted xml file,
2021-11-05 10:57 AM
I can only recommend to work in smaller parts. E.g. one item first and see if that works. I had issues with encoding (accented letters etc...), with missing attributes (name? description?). So start simple and work from there. Unfortunately the importer is not that helpful with its error message.
2021-11-09 09:59 AM
That's what i did, i worlked on smart parts, and thn , i made it larger with more sublevels, each time i find random results,
a good classification generator inside Archicad would be helpful