It's particularly related to Curtain Wall which seems to be conglomerate of almost gdl's. But it seems to be quite isolated.
We have a bunch of separated CW's with some elements manually put as doors/windows and this getting to be hard to work with.
1. We can't override elements inside CW. I want to colour elements classified as windows and doors to check whether they are properly classified.
2. Appling Favorites and ctr+alt doesn't work at all. So its hard to transfer settings to elements inside different CW's //
EDIT: My Bad Favorites actually works.
3. We have to get inside the CW and manually select elements to modify them.
4. We are not able to specify the size of doors with parameter only by adjusting scheme or width of the panel. The reason probably is that it's kind of GDL and it's supposed to be related to the scheme.
5. Doors seem to miss the orientation parameter. So we can't tell if they are Left or Right...
It's ok if you have several in the project. But we have around 200 windows to change

... Windows which you are not able to select any other way than manually

EDIT: Fixed - used wrong Orientation fro Windows, Panels has it own.
CW was migrated from 21 to 22 but it seems to behave ok. I really don't want to remodel the whole thing with columns and beams...