Ever since I've started using AC18 and after working for a few hours, AC starts acting very odd. It seems to happen while doing 2d details in Worksheets. After every move the view scrambles into zooming in WHILE also zooming out in the same view.
Scrolling in or out resets the view but it is none-the-less disconcerting.
Does anyone have any thoughts?
Sorry, I'm having trouble getting an appropriate image downloaded.
Dave Olufs
Just 4 Measure, Ltd
iMac Pro 3.2GHz Quad, 32GB, OSX 10.13.6, AC-5, 6, 6.5, 7, stopped for a few years--started again with 12 thru 17, 18 or 19 didn't work, then 20, 21, now skipped to 23. Started in 1976 hand-drafting ink on mylar...