2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks ago by Laszlo Nagy
How to turn it off for the whole project and how to turn it off only for some doors?
2 weeks ago
Archicad 27
2 weeks ago
For controlling the visibility and the type of window/door display for the whole project go to 'Document>Model View>Model View Options' and for the model view options you use for that floor plan you can change the type of the door/window display under 'Construction Element Options' and 'Miscellaneous settings for Library parts':
If you want to control the visibility on the individual element level, you need to go to the 'Door Selection Settings' dialog, and find 'Opening Type and Angle' settings:
Hope this helps,
Gordana Radonić
Community Manager
2 weeks ago
I meant the black lines that show the movement of the door edge. I need to disable them. In the photo, I changed the color of the line, but I need another way.
2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks ago
As Gordana guided you to control the door opening line (Globally), it’s type & color.
As pointed out by the arrow in the attached image.
But for the individual door, AFAIK I think you can’t control it.
2 weeks ago
Check the first part of the settings I suggested, under 'Construction Element Option', you can show opening only or hide the door opening completely:
As @Mahmoud Qenawi suggested, on the individual object level, to my knowledge, you can only make a workaround with changing the '2D Opening Angle' (set it to 0 degree), if that works.
Gordana Radonić
Community Manager