Once we have something that repeats and should be a module, we just drag a copy of those elements to the side and designate that area of the project as the module workspace (it helps if you keep this at a fixed easy distance like 20,000 mm or such, depending on the size of the building).
If you want to hide those elements, you can duplicate one of the renovation filters (I'd recommend the 'new' filter) and rename that to something like 'modules'. Just select the elements and pin them to this filter.
The rest of the procedure I've described above.
It's not as complicated as it sounds.
Just draw marquee around the elements and save as module (just make sure you've 'unpinned' them when saving).
I find editing files in a seperate session with no direct relation to you model to be more complicated.
Erwin Edel, Project Lead, Leloup Architecten
www.leloup.nlArchiCAD 9-26NED FULL
Windows 10 Pro
Adobe Design Premium CS5