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Model based construction progress tracking

hi all,

we are looking for a way to get a workflow to get the status of construction progress per element (e.g. wall; concrete done, insulation done, plaster done, paint done,...) into the model to visualise progress in the model.
Anyone can point us in the direction how that can be done with a Archicad model?


BR, Florian
AC24 4018 INT, Win10, Quadro P2000, Xeon, BIMCloud
Not applicable
i think the easiest way to do it is to combine the Construction Simulation feature in ARCHICAD with Property attribute

you can create custom properties such as:
start date
end date
construction status
use formula to determine the status, something like: "if current date <= end date = "DONE"

extract those properties on a schedule
Thanks for the hint - but how can I, standing in the construction site with my tablet/ phone, how can I edit these attributes?
AC24 4018 INT, Win10, Quadro P2000, Xeon, BIMCloud


I'm trying to find a solution for this too, 

So far, the best way is to use excel on a tablet and check items manually , 


use an IFC viewer that can edit ifc properties , select item in the model, change it's statut, and send back to Archicad, 


Did you find a better workflow ?


AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, 32 GB RAM, RTX 3080 10 GB
Archicad 27
Windows 11 professional