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Numbered list format for the text tool

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Hi, All. I'm a newbie so I may be missing something obvious. I need to make a list of numbered notes in my drawings. (For example, Floor Plan Notes: 1,2,3...) These note blocks are brief and I wouldn't want to import a small PDF. I don't see a number or bullet list feature in the text editor.

Can someone point me in the right direction???

Much thanks.
Erwin Edel
There is no automatic numbering (that I am aware off), however there are tabs and indents that you can set up if you draw a textblock, rather than having text without the 'wrap' function.

So, type '1', hit tab, type the next bit and if you've setup an indent with same size as that first tab, you will end up with a list format.

It's a bit crude, but possible.

We have our legends set up this way on worksheets. I ussually keep several textblocks, as they are easier to edit and move around (so a paragraph per textblock).
Erwin Edel, Project Lead, Leloup Architecten

Windows 10 Pro
Adobe Design Premium CS5
Not applicable
Thanks, Erwin. What I'm looking for is automatic numbering of the list items.

I would be more than a little surprised if an app as sophisticated as Archicad would lack this essential annotation feature. I can't imagine a set of drawings that does not have numerous lists of notes.