We continued testing yesterday and no good solutions were found, but I did run into some very strange behavior. I used PlotMaker 9 and it launched ArchiCAD 9 in the background.
I saved the PLP as a PLN and relinked all model views to the PLN. Then I attempted to update all 378 views. Note that the background version of ArchiCAD was already launched because I tried one view to see what would happen. Also, BG ArchiCAD shows up on my computer, so I can see what it's doing.
The following is what happened when I updated all 378 views:
First 15 minutes -- BG ArchiCAD had CPU pegged at 100%, no change on PlotMaker progress bar or screen.
Next 5 minutes -- PlotMaker closed BG ArchiCAD, then started a new one.
Next 20 minutes -- BG ArchiCAD had CPU pegged at 100%, no change on PlotMaker progress bar or screen.
Next 2 hours -- Updated all 378 views. Took from 20 to 120 seconds for each view.
I had the Task Manager open so I could monitor what the system was doing. During the 15 and 20 minute intervals the total amount of used RAM never varied more that 0.01Meg.
I'll post more if I learn anything today.