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PlotMaker Publisher Fails

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In PlotMaker's Publisher I have a couple of layouts that will not write to DWG even all the rest (eleven) layouts do fine. PlotMaker reports,
"Publishing of the item failed because PlotMaker was unable to generate it."

I have restarted, opened the file in ArchiCAD, re-saved it and then re-linked the files into the layout but still not luck.

It DOES publish in ArchiCAD, but then I don't get my whole sheet layout with Title Block etc.

Any ideas?

Thank you.
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Is there anything different between the layouts that publish and those that don't?

Such as: bitmaps, exceptionally large files, corrupt fonts or other anomalies.
Not applicable
Not that I can tell.

All fills are set to vectoral in this view and other views.
Fonts are the same throughtout the whole job.
No exceptionally large drawngs/items in this layout.

The layouts that don't works are equipment plans and have a little less complexity than the floor plans that work fine so it is a real mystery to me what makes them different.
John wrote:
Any ideas?

Thank you.
try removing the offending layout from the publishing set and re-adding it a-fresh.

does this work?

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
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Removing the layout and readding it fresh yields the same results.
Perhaps a well placed sledgehammer
is there an existing file with the same name in the location that you are saving it that has somehow become corrupt?

if so, remove that file and see if it will work then . . .

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
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I have erased all the old output files and still no luck. I rebuilt the two layouts from scratch and was able to get one layout to work so now I am down to one. The last offending layout works if the plan view is not imported into the layout so I have isolated the problem to this one view.

So far I have tried to redefine the view in ArchiCAD and even removed some of the fills, but still not luck. I guess there must be something in the drawing that PlotMaker can't translate to AutoCAD, but I've run out of time today.

What type of thing in the view or the drawing would cause PlotMaker to fail when writing a DWG? Again, any suggestions greatly appriciated.

Thank you for all the help so far.
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Apparently the 8.1/v.1 came with some bugs. I start to have problems since I put that patch. I'm wondered if because the DWG save file option in PM is to Autocad 2000 and I'm using LT2004 to open it could be the reason but now there's a "Not enough memory to finish this application" message bothering. The LAY size is 7.86MB. There's a limit size for a .LAY?
Aussie John
YA.H.VE wrote:
The LAY size is 7.86MB. There's a limit size for a .LAY?
No file size limitations
Cheers John
John Hyland : ARINA : www.arina.biz
User ver 4 to 12 - Jumped to v22 - so many options and settings!!!
OSX 10.15.6 [Catalina] : Archicad 22 : 15" MacBook Pro 2019
Aussie wrote:
No file size limitations

the irony

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup