Perhaps I misunderstood what you and possibly also Alberto want. Reading your older wish it seems you want to place on a MASTER Autotext information that is drawing specific. This defeats the purpose of a MASTER.
The problem with putting this information on a MASTER is that this master is then specific to the DRAWING whose scale you want to display using Autotext.
However, You can achieve what you want on the layout.
If you set up your template with linked views, you can place on the layout
Autotext that is referenced to this [typical] VIEW. To use your example on a sheet of sections, the autotext references only one of the section drawings as they are typically all drawn to the same scale on a layout sheet. If you have drawings of more than one scale that you want to note then you can have several different autotext scale references, just put autotext for drawing 1 scale, comma, autotext for drawing scale 2 etc.
Personally the old way of listing scales of all drawings on a sheet never made sense to me as his invites confusion. I prefer when there are drawings of different scales on the same sheet to put the scale in each drawing's name/title.
If I am still misunderstanding what you want, then please post a screenshot for this poor pathetic person.
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