just because it's really easy to put something like that together very quickly, i did the attached. 2-3 minutes. it took longer to collage it in photoshop. bear in mind that i wasn't too fussy with the more detailed settings of door/window sections . . .
it's a tool that is incredibly useful. it's changed my whole approach to archiCAD - i simply model the
structural depth
in walls, slabs and roofs now and then use the cadimage accessories to clad it. no messing with loads of archiCAD walls to try and achieve claddings and linings.
job done. and for it's price it'll save you money by the end of the week!
ps - here's the link to the downloadable PDF manual:
b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
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