I'm having some serious issues with 13 and warning associated to zones (well zones is all I've tried at this stage) saying "Cannot find the directory. File Manager Add-On terminated."
Now the really serious part of all of this is that all of our machines are the same spec, same install... in fact they are all clones of each other (other than log-on profiles) but about 30% of the machines fail and the rest work perfectly!!!
I've been told it is the library but I am skeptical of this as most of the machines work and I have opened the same .pln on all machines to test the possibility of a rogue object.
Plus i have removed the suspect library and still it happens!
I thought it may have something to do with windows permissions but they are all exactly the same!
If anyone has any clues on why this is happening please pass them on!
I'm all out of ideas!