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ArchiCAD 'WARNING' window

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Here is an email sent GS tech. support today. Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this problem?

Tech. Support,

I've been getting the following 'Warning' window/box appearing sometimes when I send/receive and/or close solo projects: 'Warning:' 'Some elements were deleted because of bad parameters.' (number of things deleted, 16, 4, 264 . . . ) 'OK'.

This problem has been happening ever since we upgraded to ArchiCAD 8.1.0 R2 (2256) and DW_Builder_35r8_92forAC81.LIB.

I've only notice a few lines in doors missing when viewed in elevation. Could this be a Door and Window problem?

Matt Pastula

InDesign Studio, LLC
One South Saint Clair Street
Suite 2A
Toledo, Ohio 43602

419.213.1001 fax
Not applicable
Yes. We've ben getting same mesage since upgrading to v2 not only on 1 project which utilises teamshare. Haven't found out which elements/objects are being deleted though and no response yet from our support people.

Steve Pring
Form Design Group
Mac G5 dual 1.8
had this problem as well:

no elements are actually being deleted and the number of elements that archiCAD says is related to the number of objects with "bad parameters" on screen at startup.

you will probably notice big black dots on your plan that usually represent missing library parts? these are the 'deleted' elements.

simply select them and change the parameters around a bit until you can get them to display in the preview window. all should be well again, albeit another unnecessary "upgrade" issue fromGS.

(FYI - my issues were with curtain walling objects showing 'first panel' as 'on')

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
Thanks Ben

We have had some problems with curtain wall objects in the same model and will look more closely at their properties if the bad parameter warning re-appears.

Steve Pring
Form Design Group
Not applicable
I have the same problem, but not with objects. My problem is with details!! I missed all the information inside the detail (elevations, dimensions, text) I can open the detail, but when I closed a message show: Cannot write temporary detail drawing file.
How can I fix this?
