i'm having a very similar issue at our office with AC mactel v12 and wondering how wide spread it is - are other folks having autosave problems with past projects/templates?
all of our old projects, including office template files which we've been updating from past versions of AC, are unable to recover from a crash. the scnario goes like this:
when we get a crash the autosave is unable to recover after AC is restarted (autosave file is recognize and it prompts us to recover it, however after it works for a while on opening the file it just beach balls until you force a quit. i've gone through and tried to isolate the item which is causing it in our template (sequentially deleting items from the template and then forcing a quit), only to find it appears to be more than one item in the file causing the problem ... i've contacted GS and sent sample files which cause the problem, but have not gotten any fix. the two v12 hotfixes to date have not fixed it.
eduardo, the one piece of info which might be helpful to you that i've found, is that you can start a new file, and then do a merge with the @global.T file (after moving it out of the temp folder and renaming it with a .pln extension.) this is messy as you lose all of the layouts associated with the file, but can be helpful if you were working on a particular detail or view which can be readily pasted back into the last saved version of the project.
i'm not sure what to do, did anyone have this type of issue and find a workaround? on one hand i don't want to start new projects off of our office template for fear there is some type of corruption in our template. on the other hand i can't really abandon years of work on our office standards. i've tried doing a new and reset, and rebuilding our standards by copying and pasting chunks back in, but still ended up with the same issue.
any thoughts, suggestions, workarounds, or commiseration would be greatly appreciated.