I have been tasked with deploying ArchiCAD 12 to some of our networks PCs. I have followed the instructions at below URL to create an Installation Package which does install OK when run manually.
www.archicadwiki.com/AC%2012%20Install%20Package%20CreationWe use System Management Server 2003 (SMS) to distribute and install our software on behalf of our end-users who do not have admin rights. SMS delivers the package to the target computer and then runs the installer using a system account with elevated privileges. However, when I try to deploy the ArchiCAD Installation Package through SMS the setup program starts but then immediately exits with a failure code of -1073741819.
I encountered this
exact error the last time I tried to deploy ArchiCAD which was with release v10. At that time I was advised that the installer was being changed for future releases. See
archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?p=89486My best guess is that the installer is attempting to spawn a secondary process as the interactive (end) user rather than the launching (system) user.
Please can you advise what this error indicates? Alternatively, is it possible to turn on some verbose logging so I can better diagnose the problem?