I typed WIBU to Google and found out
there is plenty options to choose from.
Those of us who need standalone dongle for laptop would love to have tiny CmStick/C Basic model instead of old large green or gray models. Having this tiny (not popping out of your laptops back or side) model would give laptop users security against bending their dongle. Bending breaks either USB port or the dongle. We are talking added value to customer. Something all business should address.
Also by reading WIBU systems technical datasheets
The CmStick/C is the heart of the CodeMeter Digital Rights Manage- ment system as USB device in a very small and noble case. It contains a SmartCard chip including a secure memory of about 384 kbyte available for storing thousands of licenses. The basic idea of the revolutionary CodeMeter concept is that licenses can be stored for many products even from many different vendors at the same time.
It puzzles me that Graphisoft cannot implement support to older ArchiCAD versions in new CodeMeter hardware.
Software companies are arrogant, it is still young profession, but in the end is up to us customers to demand more. We have paid for old versions of ArchiCAD and we should have right to use old ArchiCAD versions when needed.