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Complex Profile Window/Door Error

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I am having a problem with my complex profiled walls. When I try to put a window in I receive a warning as follows:

Index value greater than array dimension at line 158 in the Master script of file wa_trim_us_10.gsm

Has anyone seen this warning before? I have put this same door in a normal wall and it works fine. I have also tried to adjust every parameter of the door and still no luck. I get the same error with windows. They show up on the floor plan as the blue dot of death. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
For all complex walls?
Or just this, expecially complex, wall?
Dwight Atkinson
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What library are you using?

I suspect that the parts causing the trouble are getting a global parameter for one or more wall skins and that the complex profile is returning values that they don't understand (clear as mud?). They (or more specifically the macro they are calling) may need to be updated to work with 10.

One workaround might be to turn off the trim if you can get by without it.
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It seems to be with the wall profile I am trying to use. I have modified it a few times to get the results I desire but when I do I get window/door problems. I am trying to make a wall with log on one side and a straight wall on the other. If I make the log side perfectly half round fills I get some weird double lines on my floor plan although my windows and doors work. If I modify the curve so it has five or six faces, my windows and doors no longer work. Trim is another concern. With the perfect half round profile my window/door trim is recessed into the wall somehow. I'm not sure what to do at this point.

I am using the object library 10 windows/doors. As I stated if I use them in a regular straight wall, they work fine. I am wondering more what that error means specifically.
So, sectional curves make the thing fail.
No surprise.

Like the doctor said to the guy who had pain in his foot whenever he hit it with a mallet: "Don't do that."

You could try this workaround:

Use an empty hole to cut the opening, drop a tiny bit of plain wall in there and put the windo in that.
Dwight Atkinson
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Thank you for the advice. I never thought about trying the empty opening in the profiled wall and it worked! Funny that the windows will not. I then made a wall the exact same size as my window and then made the window opening in the profiled wall the same size as well. Everything looked great at first. I then positioned the wall/window exactly where my empty opening was in the profiled wall and it looked great from floor plan. However, when I went to 3D and elevations my profiled wall vanished leaving an undesirable floating window in its place. Sky hooks to hang a window are not an option for me
I guess I'll keep trying.
Singing the workaround song one more time then:

Save your window as an OBJECT.
Put it in the hole.
Dwight Atkinson
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I think it is a library part issue. door and widow builder windows seem to work, but standard archicad windows give me the same error. It goes beyond this, since some wall profiles allow window placement without errors.
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Doors and windows are complicated parts (overly so IMHO) and so it is not surprising that they may break when the walls they are in become more complicated as well. This could lead into my whole thing about the need for an Assembly Editor & Manager, but I haven't he spare hours for it just now...
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I have since fixed the profile of the wall so my log siding is made of perfect half circles. This allows for the standard windows/doors. This was what I had in the first place but because I didn't fully understand how to manipulate the floor plan cut I was getting odd lines in the floor plan. I then tried to put different resolution on the logs by making them have anywhere from 4 to 10 "faces" to make the curve. This is what started giving me the window/door errors.
Since I have reverted back to perfect half round fills for the profile my windows/doors work great and I have adjusted the cut plane so I don't receive the extra lines. Just posting this to maybe help someone who is having the same problems with the new profiled walls. Thanks for all the help 😃