For those interested in curved ramps, stramps, and trimming curved walls to have a sloped top, and for other uses,
I made a modest little object that makes a ramp or a strampette
both with smooth undersides.
I did this initially because the "curved ramp object" in the
standard library both in AC 6.5, AC 7 and AC 8 is made with
the RULED command which is only a surface not solid and
I'm guessing is the reason it won't work with SEO.
Zero thickness doesn't work with SEO.
This object is made with the bPRISM_ command and is solid
and therefore works with SEO and gets around all this work involving,
meshes, mesh to roof, and SEO to get a smooth underside.
If anyone is interested, e-mail me and you are welcome to it.
Peter Devlin