When running the installation from our automated deployment solution, I get a dialog box titled InstallPackageExtractor MFC Application saying that the application has crashed.
I watched the progress, and it did extraction progress bar, window disappeared, then a second or two later, it crashed.
The details in the event log are as follows:
Faulting application AC12NZE2156.exe, version 1.3.60, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.2180, fault address 0x000136be.
Followed by:
The application, <path to>\AC12NZE2156.exe, generated an application error. ... The exception generated was c0000005 at address 7C9136BE (ntdll!RtlLengthSid).
If I run the installer manually, everything works fine, but is not a viable workaround.