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Mark-Up Tool not working

Scott Bulmer
Unless we're doing something completely wrong, this tool is non-functional. See grayed out areas in the attached DB image.

Markup 2.jpg
AC27 v. 4060 w/ MEP, Cadimage, Twinmotion 2023.2.2 using AC from AC6.0, 2021 MacPro M1 chip, Adobe CC. Used AC on both platforms.
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
You may not get much response to this because I don't think a high percentage of people use the Mark-up functionality. Not just because they have always been problematic, but because there's just nothing like a hard copy for redlining and highlighting!

I have experienced this bug however, but do not have an answer as yet. I had a feeling it may have had something to do with the Mark-up styles, but couldn't pin-point it.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. If I hear something back from GS on it, I'll let you know. In the meantime maybe someone will come up with a solution.

Scott Bulmer
Thanks again so much Link.

In the olden days, we used to use a purple non-print pencil directly on the velum originals. Then with the advent of CAD, we would plot up a check set & use a red pen. I thought I would see if the Mark-Up tool would be an improvement to the tried & tested methods of the past. Based on my initial use, that would be a big NO. Hopefully GS can get it worked out because it seems on the surface to be a good idea.
AC27 v. 4060 w/ MEP, Cadimage, Twinmotion 2023.2.2 using AC from AC6.0, 2021 MacPro M1 chip, Adobe CC. Used AC on both platforms.
Not applicable
I think the mark-up tool has a lot of potential... I use it a lot for marking construction/demolish... It doesn't change the pen width and apply the color I want. It can also be used as a second layer manager. This tool could be taken more seriously by Graphisoft.
I was reminded of the markup tool today after reading this post and have to say I saved a tree or two by marking up a heap of stuff in ArchiCAD. Now I would not recomend issuing drawings that have not had a thorough going over as a hard copy but I will be using the markup tool more often from now on.
Not applicable

I'm having this same problem with one of my projects (but not the others) any ideas? still on build 1010- could getting the new hotfix help?
I have been using the markup from reviewer stand alone dwf that I read and use to make changes. I work for a new company and want to use the capabilities and are trying to make it work. We are using Archicad 9 and 10 on different files and mac and windows, but coming up with the same problem. We publish the file with the reviewer, use the reviewer to make notes and then save a dwf. Then in Archicad we are using the Mark-up tool to import the dwf redlines into the drawing. They are coming in and showing up, the problem is they are not showing up in the right place. they are lower and to the left of the project so we can't use the notes and bubbles because nothing is lining up.
Gerald Acton "Gary"
Acton Design Services
Windows 10 PRO 64 bit
i7-5820K @ 3.30ghz 32GB Ram
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 4GB Ram
AC 19 - AC 28