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Need help with 3d explore walk through

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Hi, i need some help with the 3d walk through (explore) setting. I've built a model and when i try to do a walk through in perspective mode, everything just cuts away. When i try to get up close to an object it just cuts away. It wasn't like that before, i could get up real close to things, walk down hallways without cutting through walls as i walk along through the model, any info is appreciated.
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Sounds like the "clipping plane of death" (or whatever we were calling it). When I have seen this it was a video card/driver problem. Make sure you are using the latest drivers. Test the file on another machine if you can. If your drivers are up to date and it is specific to your machine you may need a new card.

You say it didn't do this before. Did something change in the interim? Any upgrades etc?
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I didn't change any settings, my laptop is brand new. I've been using archicad for a few years now and have had this happen before. I've usually been able to fix it through perspectives settings but now my old methods don't seem to be working, so i'm stumped. I've even tried copy and pasting onto a totally new archicad file and it still clips. I'll have to see what it does on another computer.
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See here as well for other possible causes and solutions for the 'clipping plane of death' -

Hope that helps!
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array029 wrote: laptop is brand new.
I assume this is what's different?